2015 Mount Rinjani Targeted So the World Geopark

                                2015 Mount Rinjani Targeted So the World Geopark

2015 Mount Rinjani is targeted to become a world geopark. Mount Rinjani is one of the highest peak in Indonesia are located in West Southeast Homeland. Mount Rinjani is also one of the 10 most beautiful mountain peak in Indonesia. At 3,726 meters above sea level, has the ecological and cultural values ​​that make decent crowned as world geopark.

Geopark is an area geology (geological Heritages) and the region's cultural heritage (cultural Heritages) that serves as an area of ​​conservation, education and sustainable development. Determination of world geopark in a trial conducted Global Geoparks Network Bureau, an agency under the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).

However Geopark not just in terms of sheer mountain. Cultural factors and patterns of life in the surrounding communities come into consideration. Where local local residents actively involved in organizing geology-based tourism. With these efforts, the local community raised its economic growth.


Until now, Indonesia only has one site is designated as a world geopark. Global geopark first and only such is Mount Batur in Bali. Mount Batur established as world geopark in Septerber 2012 ago. This number is very small compared with the total number of geopark in the world, currently at 100 sites. And China became the country with the highest number of geopark, namely 29 global geopark.

Mount Rinjani from the beginning has been predicted to be a world geopark along with Mount Batur, Lake Toba, and Sewu Mountains. The second highest volcano in Indonesia has important geological heritage value. Rinjani also a natural heritage site by the charm of the caldera, solfatara field, cones young volcano and hot springs has. Rinjani also has a governing body that actively involve local residents are Rinjani Trekking Management Board (RTMB).

With all its potential, it is not wrong if Mount Rinjani submitted for recognition Global Geoparks Network Bureau as one of the world geopark. Even efforts in that direction have been started since the year 2008. However, up to several times the hearing, it turns out the status of Mount Rinjani never be a world geopark. It is said that when it was plagued with technical documents that do not include local governments.


Mount Rinjani is not the only candidate for replacement of Mount Batur as a world geopark in Indonesia. Two other sites have also been submitted to the Global Geoparks Network is Lake Toba in North Sumatra and Pegunung Sewu which stretches from the southern coast of Yogyakarta, Central Java, East Java up.

In addition, the government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will register as well four other sites. The fourth site is Merangin-Kerinci district-Sorolangun (Jambi), Raja Ampat Islands (Papua), Region Parahyangan-Pangandaran-North Bandung (West Java) and Karst Maros (South Sulawesi).

Hopefully, all of them, including Mount Rinjani, soon gained recognition as a global geopark. With the enactment as a world geopark, not only will become the center of a visit to the geologist who wanted to study the volcano, but also increase tourist arrivals from all over the world. The impact is economic growth surrounding communities.
